Source code for inseq.models.model_config

import logging
from dataclasses import dataclass
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Optional

import yaml

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class ModelConfig:
    """Configuration used by the methods for which the attribute ``use_model_config=True``.

        self_attention_module (:obj:`str`):
            The name of the module performing the self-attention computation (e.g.``attn`` for the GPT-2 model in
            transformers). Can be identified by looking at the name of the self-attention module attribute
            in the model's transformer block class (e.g. :obj:`transformers.models.gpt2.GPT2Block` for GPT-2).
        cross_attention_module (:obj:`str`):
            The name of the module performing the cross-attention computation (e.g.``encoder_attn`` for MarianMT models
            in transformers). Can be identified by looking at the name of the cross-attention module attribute
            in the model's transformer block class (e.g. :obj:`transformers.models.marian.MarianDecoderLayer`).
        value_vector (:obj:`str`):
            The name of the variable in the forward pass of the attention module containing the value vector
            (e.g. ``value`` for the GPT-2 model in transformers). Can be identified by looking at the forward pass of
            the attention module (e.g. :obj:`transformers.models.gpt2.modeling_gpt2.GPT2Attention.forward` for GPT-2).

    self_attention_module: str
    value_vector: str
    cross_attention_module: Optional[str] = None

    model_type: ModelConfig(**cfg)
    for model_type, cfg in yaml.safe_load(open(Path(__file__).parent / "model_config.yaml", encoding="utf8")).items()

def get_model_config(model_type: str) -> ModelConfig:
    if model_type not in MODEL_CONFIGS:
        raise ValueError(
            f"A configuration for the {model_type} model is not defined. "
            "You can register a configuration with :meth:`~inseq.models.register_model_config`, "
            "or request it to be added to the library by opening an issue on GitHub: "
    return MODEL_CONFIGS[model_type]

[docs] def register_model_config( model_type: str, config: dict, overwrite: bool = False, allow_partial: bool = False, ) -> None: """Allows to register a model configuration for a given model type. The configuration is a dictionary containing information required the methods for which the attribute ``use_model_config=True``. Args: model_type (`str`): The class of the model for which the configuration is registered, used as key in the stored configuration. E.g. GPT2LMHeadModel for the GPT-2 model in HuggingFace Transformers. config (`dict`): A dictionary containing the configuration for the model. The fields should match those of the :class:`~inseq.models.ModelConfig` class. overwrite (`bool`, *optional*, defaults to False): If `True`, the configuration will be overwritten if it already exists. allow_partial (`bool`, *optional*, defaults to False): If `True`, the configuration can be partial, i.e. it can contain only a subset of the fields of the :class:`~inseq.models.ModelConfig` class. The missing fields will be set to `None`. Raises: `ValueError`: If the model type is already registered and `overwrite=False`, or if the configuration is partial and `allow_partial=False`. """ if model_type in MODEL_CONFIGS: if not overwrite: raise ValueError( f"{model_type} is already registered in model configurations.Override with overwrite=True." ) logger.warning(f"Overwriting {model_type} config.") all_fields = set(ModelConfig.__dataclass_fields__.keys()) config_fields = set(config.keys()) diff = all_fields - config_fields if diff and not allow_partial: raise ValueError( f"Missing fields {','.join(diff)} in model configuration for {model_type}." "Set allow_partial=True to allow partial configuration." ) if allow_partial: config = {**{field: None for field in diff}, **config} MODEL_CONFIGS[model_type] = ModelConfig(**config)