Comparing Attributions with PairAggregator

Inseq support minimal pair analysis via the PairAggregator component.

Here is an example of using PairAggregator to produce a heatmap to visualize the score difference between two FeatureAttributionSequenceOutput objects:

import inseq
from import AggregatorPipeline, ContiguousSpanAggregator, SequenceAttributionAggregator, PairAggregator

# Load the EN-FR translation model and attach the IG method
model = inseq.load_model("Helsinki-NLP/opus-mt-en-fr", "integrated_gradients")

# Perform the attribution with forced decoding. Return convergence deltas, probabilities and target attributions.
out = model.attribute(
        "The manager told the hairdresser that the haircut he made her was terrible.",
        "The manager told the hairdresser that the haircut he made her was terrible.",
        "Le gérant a dit au coiffeur que la coupe de cheveux qu'il lui a faite était terrible.",
        "La gérante a dit au coiffeur que la coupe de cheveux qu'il lui a faite était terrible.",

# Aggregation pipeline composed by two steps:
# 1. Aggregate contiguous tokens across all attribution dimensions
# 2. Aggregate the last dimension of the neuron-level attribution to make it token-level
squeezesum = AggregatorPipeline([ContiguousSpanAggregator, SequenceAttributionAggregator])

# Simply aggregate over the last dimension for the masculine variant
masculine = out.sequence_attributions[0].aggregate(aggregator=SequenceAttributionAggregator)

# For the feminine variant, we also use the contiguous span aggregator to merge "▁gĂ©rant" "e"
# in a single token to match masculine shape
feminine = out.sequence_attributions[1].aggregate(aggregator=squeezesum, target_spans=(1, 3))

# Take the diff of the scores of the two attribution and show it, paired_attr=feminine)