Source code for inseq.models.huggingface_model

"""HuggingFace Seq2seq model."""
import logging
from abc import abstractmethod
from typing import Any, NoReturn, Optional, Union

import torch
from torch import long
from transformers import (
from transformers.modeling_outputs import CausalLMOutput, ModelOutput, Seq2SeqLMOutput

from ..attr.attribution_decorators import batched
from import BatchEncoding
from ..utils import check_device
from ..utils.typing import (
from .attribution_model import AttributionModel
from .decoder_only import DecoderOnlyAttributionModel
from .encoder_decoder import EncoderDecoderAttributionModel
from .model_decorators import unhooked

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Update if other model types are added
SUPPORTED_AUTOCLASSES = [AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM, AutoModelForCausalLM]

[docs] class HuggingfaceModel(AttributionModel): """Model wrapper for any ForCausalLM and ForConditionalGeneration model on the HuggingFace Hub used to enable feature attribution. Corresponds to AutoModelForCausalLM and AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM auto classes. Attributes: _autoclass (:obj:`Type[transformers.AutoModel`]): The HuggingFace model class to use for initialization. Must be defined in subclasses. model (:obj:`transformers.AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM` or :obj:`transformers.AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM`): the model on which attribution is performed. tokenizer (:obj:`transformers.AutoTokenizer`): the tokenizer associated to the model. device (:obj:`str`): the device on which the model is run. encoder_int_embeds (:obj:`captum.InterpretableEmbeddingBase`): the interpretable embedding layer for the encoder, used for layer attribution methods in Captum. decoder_int_embeds (:obj:`captum.InterpretableEmbeddingBase`): the interpretable embedding layer for the decoder, used for layer attribution methods in Captum. embed_scale (:obj:`float`, *optional*): scale factor for embeddings. tokenizer_name (:obj:`str`, *optional*): The name of the tokenizer in the Huggingface Hub. Default: use model name. """ _autoclass = None def __init__( self, model: Union[str, PreTrainedModel], attribution_method: Optional[str] = None, tokenizer: Union[str, PreTrainedTokenizerBase, None] = None, device: Optional[str] = None, model_kwargs: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = {}, tokenizer_kwargs: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = {}, **kwargs, ) -> None: """AttributionModel subclass for Huggingface-compatible models. Args: model (:obj:`str` or :obj:`transformers.PreTrainedModel`): the name of the model in the Huggingface Hub or path to folder containing local model files. attribution_method (str, optional): The attribution method to use. Passing it here reduces overhead on attribute call, since it is already initialized. tokenizer (:obj:`str` or :obj:`transformers.PreTrainedTokenizerBase`, optional): the name of the tokenizer in the Huggingface Hub or path to folder containing local tokenizer files. Default: use model name. device (str, optional): the Torch device on which the model is run. **kwargs: additional arguments for the model and the tokenizer. """ super().__init__(**kwargs) if self._autoclass is None or self._autoclass not in SUPPORTED_AUTOCLASSES: raise ValueError( f"Invalid autoclass {self._autoclass}. Must be one of {[x.__name__ for x in SUPPORTED_AUTOCLASSES]}." ) if isinstance(model, PreTrainedModel): self.model = model else: self.model = self._autoclass.from_pretrained(model, **model_kwargs) self.model_name = self.model.config.name_or_path self.tokenizer_name = tokenizer if isinstance(tokenizer, str) else None if tokenizer is None: tokenizer = model if isinstance(model, str) else self.model_name if not tokenizer: raise ValueError( "Unspecified tokenizer for model loaded from scratch. Use explicit identifier as tokenizer=<ID>" "during model loading." ) if isinstance(tokenizer, PreTrainedTokenizerBase): self.tokenizer = tokenizer else: self.tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(tokenizer, **tokenizer_kwargs) self.eos_token_id = getattr(self.model.config, "eos_token_id", None) pad_token_id = self.model.config.pad_token_id if pad_token_id is None: if self.tokenizer.pad_token_id is None:"Setting `pad_token_id` to `eos_token_id`:{self.eos_token_id} for open-end generation.") pad_token_id = self.eos_token_id else: pad_token_id = self.tokenizer.pad_token_id self.pad_token = self._convert_ids_to_tokens(pad_token_id, skip_special_tokens=False) if self.tokenizer.pad_token is None: self.tokenizer.pad_token = self.pad_token if self.model.config.pad_token_id is None: self.model.config.pad_token_id = pad_token_id self.bos_token_id = getattr(self.model.config, "decoder_start_token_id", None) if self.bos_token_id is None: self.bos_token_id = self.model.config.bos_token_id self.bos_token = self._convert_ids_to_tokens(self.bos_token_id, skip_special_tokens=False) if self.eos_token_id is None: self.eos_token_id = self.tokenizer.pad_token_id if self.tokenizer.unk_token_id is None: self.tokenizer.unk_token_id = self.tokenizer.pad_token_id self.embed_scale = 1.0 self.encoder_int_embeds = None self.decoder_int_embeds = None self.device_map = None if hasattr(self.model, "hf_device_map") and self.model.hf_device_map is not None: self.device_map = self.model.hf_device_map self.is_encoder_decoder = self.model.config.is_encoder_decoder self.configure_embeddings_scale() self.setup(device, attribution_method, **kwargs)
[docs] @staticmethod def load( model: Union[str, PreTrainedModel], attribution_method: Optional[str] = None, tokenizer: Union[str, PreTrainedTokenizerBase, None] = None, device: str = None, model_kwargs: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = {}, tokenizer_kwargs: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = {}, **kwargs, ) -> "HuggingfaceModel": """Loads a HuggingFace model and tokenizer and wraps them in the appropriate AttributionModel.""" if isinstance(model, str): is_encoder_decoder = AutoConfig.from_pretrained(model, **model_kwargs).is_encoder_decoder else: is_encoder_decoder = model.config.is_encoder_decoder if is_encoder_decoder: return HuggingfaceEncoderDecoderModel( model, attribution_method, tokenizer, device, model_kwargs, tokenizer_kwargs, **kwargs ) else: return HuggingfaceDecoderOnlyModel( model, attribution_method, tokenizer, device, model_kwargs, tokenizer_kwargs, **kwargs )
@AttributionModel.device.setter def device(self, new_device: str) -> None: check_device(new_device) self._device = new_device is_loaded_in_8bit = getattr(self.model, "is_loaded_in_8bit", False) is_loaded_in_4bit = getattr(self.model, "is_loaded_in_4bit", False) is_quantized = is_loaded_in_8bit or is_loaded_in_4bit has_device_map = self.device_map is not None # Enable compatibility with 8bit models if self.model: if is_quantized: mode = "8bit" if is_loaded_in_8bit else "4bit" logger.warning( f"The model is loaded in {mode} mode. The device cannot be changed after loading the model." ) elif has_device_map: logger.warning("The model is loaded with a device map. The device cannot be changed after loading.") else:
[docs] @abstractmethod def configure_embeddings_scale(self) -> None: """Configure the scale factor for embeddings.""" pass
@property def info(self) -> dict[str, str]: dic_info: dict[str, str] = super().info extra_info = { "tokenizer_name": self.tokenizer_name, "tokenizer_class": self.tokenizer.__class__.__name__, } dic_info.update(extra_info) return dic_info
[docs] @unhooked @batched def generate( self, inputs: Union[TextInput, BatchEncoding], return_generation_output: bool = False, skip_special_tokens: bool = True, output_generated_only: bool = False, **kwargs, ) -> Union[list[str], tuple[list[str], ModelOutput]]: """Wrapper of model.generate to handle tokenization and decoding. Args: inputs (`Union[TextInput, BatchEncoding]`): Inputs to be provided to the model for generation. return_generation_output (`bool`, *optional*, defaults to False): If true, generation outputs are returned alongside the generated text. output_generated_only (`bool`, *optional*, defaults to False): If true, only the generated text is returned. Relevant for decoder-only models that would otherwise return the full input + output. Returns: `Union[List[str], Tuple[List[str], ModelOutput]]`: Generated text or a tuple of generated text and generation outputs. """ if isinstance(inputs, str) or ( isinstance(inputs, list) and len(inputs) > 0 and all(isinstance(x, str) for x in inputs) ): inputs = self.encode(inputs) inputs = generation_out = self.model.generate( inputs=inputs.input_ids, return_dict_in_generate=True, **kwargs, ) sequences = generation_out.sequences if output_generated_only and not self.is_encoder_decoder: sequences = sequences[:, inputs.input_ids.shape[1] :] texts = self.decode(ids=sequences, skip_special_tokens=skip_special_tokens) if return_generation_output: return texts, generation_out return texts
@staticmethod def output2logits(forward_output: Union[Seq2SeqLMOutput, CausalLMOutput]) -> LogitsTensor: # Full logits for last position of every sentence: # (batch_size, tgt_seq_len, vocab_size) => (batch_size, vocab_size) return forward_output.logits[:, -1, :].squeeze(1)
[docs] def encode( self, texts: TextInput, as_targets: bool = False, return_baseline: bool = False, include_eos_baseline: bool = False, add_bos_token: bool = True, add_special_tokens: bool = True, ) -> BatchEncoding: """Encode one or multiple texts, producing a BatchEncoding. Args: texts (str or list of str): the texts to tokenize. return_baseline (bool, optional): if True, baseline token ids are returned. Returns: BatchEncoding: contains ids and attention masks. """ if as_targets and not self.is_encoder_decoder: raise ValueError("Decoder-only models should use tokenization as source only.") batch = self.tokenizer( text=texts if not as_targets else None, text_target=texts if as_targets else None, add_special_tokens=add_special_tokens, padding=True, truncation=True, return_tensors="pt", ).to(self.device) baseline_ids = None if return_baseline: if include_eos_baseline: baseline_ids = torch.ones_like(batch["input_ids"]).long() * self.tokenizer.unk_token_id else: baseline_ids_non_eos = batch["input_ids"].ne(self.eos_token_id).long() * self.tokenizer.unk_token_id baseline_ids_eos = batch["input_ids"].eq(self.eos_token_id).long() * self.eos_token_id baseline_ids = baseline_ids_non_eos + baseline_ids_eos # We prepend a BOS token only when tokenizing target texts. if as_targets and self.is_encoder_decoder and add_bos_token: ones_mask = torch.ones((batch["input_ids"].shape[0], 1), device=self.device, dtype=long) batch["attention_mask"] =, batch["attention_mask"]), dim=1) bos_ids = ones_mask * self.bos_token_id batch["input_ids"] =, batch["input_ids"]), dim=1) if return_baseline: baseline_ids =, baseline_ids), dim=1) return BatchEncoding( input_ids=batch["input_ids"], input_tokens=[self._convert_ids_to_tokens(x, skip_special_tokens=False) for x in batch["input_ids"]], attention_mask=batch["attention_mask"], baseline_ids=baseline_ids, )
def decode( self, ids: Union[list[int], list[list[int]], IdsTensor], skip_special_tokens: bool = True, ) -> list[str]: return self.tokenizer.batch_decode( ids, skip_special_tokens=skip_special_tokens, clean_up_tokenization_spaces=False, ) def embed_ids(self, ids: IdsTensor, as_targets: bool = False) -> EmbeddingsTensor: if as_targets and not self.is_encoder_decoder: raise ValueError("Decoder-only models should use tokenization as source only.") if self.encoder_int_embeds is not None and not as_targets: embeddings = self.encoder_int_embeds.indices_to_embeddings(ids) elif self.decoder_int_embeds is not None and as_targets: embeddings = self.decoder_int_embeds.indices_to_embeddings(ids) else: embeddings = self.get_embedding_layer()(ids) return embeddings * self.embed_scale def _convert_ids_to_tokens(self, ids: IdsTensor, skip_special_tokens: bool = True) -> OneOrMoreTokenSequences: tokens = self.tokenizer.convert_ids_to_tokens(ids, skip_special_tokens=skip_special_tokens) if isinstance(tokens, bytes) and not isinstance(tokens, str): return tokens.decode("utf-8") elif isinstance(tokens, list): return [t.decode("utf-8") if isinstance(t, bytes) else t for t in tokens] return tokens def convert_ids_to_tokens( self, ids: IdsTensor, skip_special_tokens: Optional[bool] = True ) -> OneOrMoreTokenSequences: if ids.ndim < 2: return self._convert_ids_to_tokens(ids, skip_special_tokens) return [self._convert_ids_to_tokens(id_slice, skip_special_tokens) for id_slice in ids] def convert_tokens_to_ids(self, tokens: TextInput) -> OneOrMoreIdSequences: if isinstance(tokens[0], str): return self.tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids(tokens) return [self.tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids(token_slice) for token_slice in tokens] def convert_tokens_to_string( self, tokens: OneOrMoreTokenSequences, skip_special_tokens: bool = True, as_targets: bool = False, ) -> TextInput: if isinstance(tokens, list) and len(tokens) == 0: return "" elif isinstance(tokens[0], (bytes, str)): tmp_decode_state = self.tokenizer._decode_use_source_tokenizer self.tokenizer._decode_use_source_tokenizer = not as_targets out_strings = self.tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_string( tokens if not skip_special_tokens else [t for t in tokens if t not in self.special_tokens] ) self.tokenizer._decode_use_source_tokenizer = tmp_decode_state return out_strings return [self.convert_tokens_to_string(token_slice, skip_special_tokens, as_targets) for token_slice in tokens] def convert_string_to_tokens( self, text: TextInput, skip_special_tokens: bool = True, as_targets: bool = False, ) -> OneOrMoreTokenSequences: if isinstance(text, str): ids = self.tokenizer( text=text if not as_targets else None, text_target=text if as_targets else None, add_special_tokens=not skip_special_tokens, )["input_ids"] return self._convert_ids_to_tokens(ids, skip_special_tokens) return [self.convert_string_to_tokens(t, skip_special_tokens, as_targets) for t in text]
[docs] def clean_tokens( self, tokens: OneOrMoreTokenSequences, skip_special_tokens: bool = False, as_targets: bool = False, ) -> OneOrMoreTokenSequences: """Cleans special characters from tokens. Args: tokens (`OneOrMoreTokenSequences`): A list containing one or more lists of tokens. skip_special_tokens (`bool`, *optional*, defaults to True): If true, special tokens are skipped. as_targets (`bool`, *optional*, defaults to False): If true, a target tokenizer is used to clean the tokens. Returns: `OneOrMoreTokenSequences`: A list containing one or more lists of cleaned tokens. """ if isinstance(tokens, list) and len(tokens) == 0: return [] elif isinstance(tokens[0], (bytes, str)): clean_tokens = [] for tok in tokens: clean_tok = self.convert_tokens_to_string( [tok], skip_special_tokens=skip_special_tokens, as_targets=as_targets ) if clean_tok: clean_tokens.append(clean_tok) elif tok: clean_tokens.append(" ") return clean_tokens return [self.clean_tokens(token_seq, skip_special_tokens, as_targets) for token_seq in tokens]
@property def special_tokens(self) -> list[str]: return self.tokenizer.all_special_tokens @property def special_tokens_ids(self) -> list[int]: return self.tokenizer.all_special_ids @property def vocabulary_embeddings(self) -> VocabularyEmbeddingsTensor: return self.get_embedding_layer().weight def get_embedding_layer(self) -> torch.nn.Module: return self.model.get_input_embeddings()
[docs] class HuggingfaceEncoderDecoderModel(HuggingfaceModel, EncoderDecoderAttributionModel): """Model wrapper for any ForConditionalGeneration model on the HuggingFace Hub used to enable feature attribution. Corresponds to AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM auto classes in HF transformers. Attributes: model (::obj:`transformers.AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM`): the model on which attribution is performed. """ _autoclass = AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM
[docs] def configure_embeddings_scale(self): encoder = self.model.get_encoder() decoder = self.model.get_decoder() if hasattr(encoder, "embed_scale"): self.embed_scale = encoder.embed_scale if hasattr(decoder, "embed_scale") and decoder.embed_scale != self.embed_scale: raise ValueError("Different encoder and decoder embed scales are not supported")
def get_encoder(self) -> torch.nn.Module: return self.model.get_encoder() def get_decoder(self) -> torch.nn.Module: return self.model.get_decoder() @staticmethod def get_attentions_dict( output: Seq2SeqLMOutput, ) -> dict[str, MultiLayerMultiUnitScoreTensor]: if output.encoder_attentions is None or output.decoder_attentions is None: raise ValueError("Model does not support attribution relying on attention outputs.") return { "encoder_self_attentions": torch.stack(output.encoder_attentions, dim=1), "decoder_self_attentions": torch.stack(output.decoder_attentions, dim=1), "cross_attentions": torch.stack(output.cross_attentions, dim=1), } @staticmethod def get_hidden_states_dict(output: Seq2SeqLMOutput) -> dict[str, MultiLayerEmbeddingsTensor]: return { "encoder_hidden_states": torch.stack(output.encoder_hidden_states, dim=1), "decoder_hidden_states": torch.stack(output.decoder_hidden_states, dim=1), }
[docs] class HuggingfaceDecoderOnlyModel(HuggingfaceModel, DecoderOnlyAttributionModel): """Model wrapper for any ForCausalLM or LMHead model on the HuggingFace Hub used to enable feature attribution. Corresponds to AutoModelForCausalLM auto classes in HF transformers. Attributes: model (::obj:`transformers.AutoModelForCausalLM`): the model on which attribution is performed. """ _autoclass = AutoModelForCausalLM def __init__( self, model: Union[str, PreTrainedModel], attribution_method: Optional[str] = None, tokenizer: Union[str, PreTrainedTokenizerBase, None] = None, device: str = None, model_kwargs: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = {}, tokenizer_kwargs: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = {}, **kwargs, ) -> NoReturn: super().__init__(model, attribution_method, tokenizer, device, model_kwargs, tokenizer_kwargs, **kwargs) self.tokenizer.padding_side = "left" self.tokenizer.truncation_side = "left" if self.pad_token is None: self.pad_token = self.tokenizer.bos_token self.tokenizer.pad_token = self.tokenizer.bos_token
[docs] def configure_embeddings_scale(self): if hasattr(self.model, "embed_scale"): self.embed_scale = self.model.embed_scale
@staticmethod def get_attentions_dict(output: CausalLMOutput) -> dict[str, MultiLayerMultiUnitScoreTensor]: if output.attentions is None: raise ValueError("Model does not support attribution relying on attention outputs.") return { "decoder_self_attentions": torch.stack(output.attentions, dim=1), } @staticmethod def get_hidden_states_dict(output: CausalLMOutput) -> dict[str, MultiLayerEmbeddingsTensor]: return { "decoder_hidden_states": torch.stack(output.hidden_states, dim=1), }