Source code for inseq.models.attribution_model

import logging
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from functools import wraps
from typing import Any, Callable, Optional, Protocol, TypeVar, Union

import torch

from ..attr import STEP_SCORES_MAP, StepFunctionArgs
from ..attr.feat import FeatureAttribution, extract_args, join_token_ids
from import (
from ..utils import (
from ..utils.typing import (
from .model_config import ModelConfig
from .model_decorators import unhooked

ModelOutput = TypeVar("ModelOutput")
CustomForwardOutput = TypeVar("CustomForwardOutput")

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class ForwardMethod(Protocol):
    def __call__(
        batch: Union[DecoderOnlyBatch, EncoderDecoderBatch],
        target_ids: ExpandedTargetIdsTensor,
        attributed_fn: Callable[..., SingleScorePerStepTensor],
        use_embeddings: bool,
        attributed_fn_argnames: Optional[list[str]],
    ) -> CustomForwardOutput:

class InputFormatter:
    def prepare_inputs_for_attribution(
        attribution_model: "AttributionModel",
        inputs: FeatureAttributionInput,
        include_eos_baseline: bool = False,
    ) -> Union[DecoderOnlyBatch, EncoderDecoderBatch]:
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def format_attribution_args(
        batch: Union[DecoderOnlyBatch, EncoderDecoderBatch],
        target_ids: TargetIdsTensor,
        attributed_fn: Callable[..., SingleScorePerStepTensor],
        attribute_target: bool = False,
        attributed_fn_args: dict[str, Any] = {},
        attribute_batch_ids: bool = False,
        forward_batch_embeds: bool = True,
        use_baselines: bool = False,
    ) -> tuple[dict[str, Any], tuple[Union[IdsTensor, EmbeddingsTensor, None], ...]]:
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def enrich_step_output(
        attribution_model: "AttributionModel",
        step_output: FeatureAttributionStepOutput,
        batch: Union[DecoderOnlyBatch, EncoderDecoderBatch],
        target_tokens: OneOrMoreTokenSequences,
        target_ids: TargetIdsTensor,
        contrast_batch: Optional[DecoderOnlyBatch] = None,
        contrast_targets_alignments: Optional[list[list[tuple[int, int]]]] = None,
    ) -> FeatureAttributionStepOutput:
        r"""Enriches the attribution output with token information, producing the finished
        :class:`` object.

            step_output (:class:``): The output produced
                by the attribution step, with missing batch information.
            batch (:class:`` or :class:``): The batch on
                which attribution was performed.
            target_ids (:obj:`torch.Tensor`): Target token ids of size `(batch_size, 1)` corresponding to tokens
                for which the attribution step was performed.

            :class:``: The enriched attribution output.
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def convert_args_to_batch(args: StepFunctionArgs = None, **kwargs) -> Union[DecoderOnlyBatch, EncoderDecoderBatch]:
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def format_forward_args(forward: ForwardMethod) -> Callable[..., CustomForwardOutput]:
        def formatted_forward_input_wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs) -> CustomForwardOutput:
            raise NotImplementedError()

        return formatted_forward_input_wrapper

    def format_step_function_args(
        attribution_model: "AttributionModel",
        forward_output: ModelOutput,
        target_ids: ExpandedTargetIdsTensor,
        batch: DecoderOnlyBatch,
        is_attributed_fn: bool = False,
    ) -> StepFunctionArgs:
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def get_text_sequences(
        attribution_model: "AttributionModel", batch: Union[DecoderOnlyBatch, EncoderDecoderBatch]
    ) -> TextSequences:
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def get_step_function_reserved_args() -> list[str]:
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def format_contrast_targets_alignments(
        contrast_targets_alignments: Union[list[tuple[int, int]], list[list[tuple[int, int]]], str],
        target_sequences: list[str],
        target_tokens: list[list[str]],
        contrast_sequences: list[str],
        contrast_tokens: list[list[str]],
        special_tokens: list[str] = [],
        start_pos: int = 0,
        end_pos: Optional[int] = None,
    ) -> tuple[DecoderOnlyBatch, Optional[list[list[tuple[int, int]]]]]:
        # Ensure that the contrast_targets_alignments are in the correct format (list of lists of idxs pairs)
        if contrast_targets_alignments:
            if isinstance(contrast_targets_alignments, list) and len(contrast_targets_alignments) > 0:
                if isinstance(contrast_targets_alignments[0], tuple):
                    contrast_targets_alignments = [contrast_targets_alignments]
                if not isinstance(contrast_targets_alignments[0], list):
                    raise ValueError("Invalid contrast_targets_alignments were provided.")
            elif not isinstance(contrast_targets_alignments, str):
                raise ValueError("Invalid contrast_targets_alignments were provided.")

        adjusted_alignments = []
        aligns = contrast_targets_alignments
        for seq_idx, (tgt_seq, tgt_tok, c_seq, c_tok) in enumerate(
            zip(target_sequences, target_tokens, contrast_sequences, contrast_tokens)
            if isinstance(contrast_targets_alignments, list):
                aligns = contrast_targets_alignments[seq_idx]
        return adjusted_alignments

[docs] class AttributionModel(ABC, torch.nn.Module): """Base class for all attribution models. Attributes: model: The wrapped model to be attributed. model_name (:obj:`str`): The name of the model. is_encoder_decoder (:obj:`bool`): Whether the model is an encoder-decoder model. pad_token (:obj:`str`): The pad token used by the model. embed_scale (:obj:`float`): Value used to scale the embeddings. device (:obj:`str`): The device on which the model is located. attribution_method (:class:`~inseq.attr.FeatureAttribution`): The attribution method used alongside the model. is_hooked (:obj:`bool`): Whether the model is currently hooked by the attribution method. default_attributed_fn_id (:obj:`str`): The id for the default step function used as attribution target. """ formatter = InputFormatter def __init__(self, **kwargs) -> None: super().__init__() if not hasattr(self, "model"): self.model = None self.model_name: str = None self.is_encoder_decoder: bool = True self.pad_token: Optional[str] = None self.embed_scale: Optional[float] = None self._device: Optional[str] = None self.device_map: Optional[dict[str, Union[str, int, torch.device]]] = None self.attribution_method: Optional[FeatureAttribution] = None self.is_hooked: bool = False self._default_attributed_fn_id: str = "probability" self.config: Optional[ModelConfig] = None self.is_distributed: Optional[bool] = None @property def device(self) -> Optional[str]: return self._device @device.setter def device(self, new_device: str) -> None: check_device(new_device) self._device = new_device if self.model:
[docs] def setup(self, device: Optional[str] = None, attribution_method: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs) -> None: """Move the model to device and in eval mode.""" self.device = device if device is not None else get_default_device() if self.model: self.model.eval() self.model.zero_grad() self.attribution_method = self.get_attribution_method(attribution_method, **kwargs) self.is_distributed = self.model.__class__.__name__.startswith("Distributed")
@property def default_attributed_fn_id(self) -> str: return self._default_attributed_fn_id @default_attributed_fn_id.setter def set_attributed_fn(self, fn: str): if fn not in STEP_SCORES_MAP: raise ValueError(f"Unknown function: {fn}. Register custom functions with inseq.register_step_function") self._default_attributed_fn_id = fn @property def info(self) -> dict[Optional[str], Optional[str]]: return { "model_name": self.model_name, "model_class": self.model.__class__.__name__ if self.model is not None else None, } def get_attribution_method( self, method: Optional[str] = None, override_default_attribution: Optional[bool] = False, **kwargs, ) -> FeatureAttribution: # No method present -> missing method error if not method: if not self.attribution_method: raise MissingAttributionMethodError() else: if self.attribution_method: self.attribution_method.unhook() # If either the default method is missing or the override is set, # set the default method to the given method if override_default_attribution or not self.attribution_method: self.attribution_method = FeatureAttribution.load(method, attribution_model=self, **kwargs) # Temporarily use the current method without overriding the default else: return FeatureAttribution.load(method, attribution_model=self, **kwargs) return self.attribution_method def get_attributed_fn( self, attributed_fn: Union[str, Callable[..., SingleScorePerStepTensor], None] = None ) -> Callable[..., SingleScorePerStepTensor]: if attributed_fn is None: attributed_fn = self.default_attributed_fn_id if isinstance(attributed_fn, str): if attributed_fn not in STEP_SCORES_MAP: raise ValueError( f"Unknown function: {attributed_fn}. Register custom functions with inseq.register_step_function" ) attributed_fn = STEP_SCORES_MAP[attributed_fn] return attributed_fn
[docs] def attribute( self, input_texts: TextInput, generated_texts: Optional[TextInput] = None, method: Optional[str] = None, override_default_attribution: Optional[bool] = False, attr_pos_start: Optional[int] = None, attr_pos_end: Optional[int] = None, show_progress: bool = True, pretty_progress: bool = True, output_step_attributions: bool = False, attribute_target: bool = False, step_scores: list[str] = [], include_eos_baseline: bool = False, attributed_fn: Union[str, Callable[..., SingleScorePerStepTensor], None] = None, device: Optional[str] = None, batch_size: Optional[int] = None, generate_from_target_prefix: bool = False, generation_args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **kwargs, ) -> FeatureAttributionOutput: """Perform sequential attribution of input texts for every token in generated texts using the specified method. Args: input_texts (:obj:`str` or :obj:`list(str)`): One or more input texts to be attributed. generated_texts (:obj:`str` or :obj:`list(str)`, `optional`): One or more generated texts to be used as targets for the attribution. Must match the number of input texts. If not provided, the model will be used to generate the texts from the input texts (default behavior). Specifying this argument enables attribution for constrained decoding, which should be interpreted carefully in presence of distributional shifts compared to natural generations (`Vamvas and Sennrich, 2021 <>`__). method (:obj:`str`, `optional`): The identifier associated to the attribution method to use. If not provided, the default attribution method specified when initializing the model will be used. override_default_attribution (:obj:`bool`, `optional`): Whether to override the default attribution method specified when initializing the model permanently, or to use the method above for a single attribution. attr_pos_start (:obj:`int`, `optional`): The starting position of the attribution. If not provided, the whole input text will be attributed. Allows for span-targeted attribution of generated texts. attr_pos_end (:obj:`int`, `optional`): The ending position of the attribution. If not provided, the whole input text will be attributed. Allows for span-targeted attribution of generated texts. show_progress (:obj:`bool`): Whether to show a progress bar for the attribution, default True. pretty_progress (:obj:`bool`, `optional`): Whether to show a pretty progress bar for the attribution. Automatically set to False for IPython environments due to visualization issues. If False, a simple tqdm progress bar will be used. default: True. output_step_attributions (:obj:`bool`, `optional`): Whether to fill the ``step_attributions`` field in :class:`~inseq.FeatureAttributionOutput` with step-wise attributions for each generated token. default: False. attribute_target (:obj:`bool`, `optional`): Specific to encoder-decoder models. Whether to attribute the target prefix alongside the input text. default: False. Note that an encoder-decoder attribution not accounting for the target prefix does not correctly reflect the overall input importance, since part of the input is not included in the attribution. step_scores (:obj:`list(str)`): A list of step function identifiers specifying the step scores to be computed alongside the attribution process. Available step functions are listed in :func:`~inseq.list_step_functions`. include_eos_baseline (:obj:`bool`, `optional`): Whether to include the EOS token in attributed tokens when using an attribution method requiring a baseline. default: False. attributed_fn (:obj:`str` or :obj:`Callable`, `optional`): The identifier associated to the step function to be used as attribution target. If not provided, the one specified in ``default_attributed_fn_id`` ( model default) will be used. If the provided string is not a registered step function, an error will be raised. If a callable is provided, it must be a function matching the requirements for a step function. device (:obj:`str`, `optional`): The device to use for the attribution. If not provided, the default model device will be used. batch_size (:obj:`int`, `optional`): The batch size to use to dilute the attribution computation over the set of inputs. If no batch size is provided, the full set of input texts will be attributed at once. generate_from_target_prefix (:obj:`bool`, `optional`): Whether the ``generated_texts`` should be used as target prefixes for the generation process. If False, the ``generated_texts`` will be used as full targets. This option is only available for encoder-decoder models, since the same behavior can be achieved by modifying the input texts for decoder-only models. Default: False. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments. These can include keyword arguments for the attribution method, for the generation process or for the attributed function. Generation arguments can be provided explicitly as a dictionary named ``generation_args``. Returns: :class:`~inseq.FeatureAttributionOutput`: The attribution output object containing the attribution scores, step-scores, optionally step-wise attributions and general information concerning attributed texts and the attribution process. """ if self.is_encoder_decoder and not input_texts: raise ValueError("At least one text must be provided to perform attribution.") if attribute_target and not self.is_encoder_decoder: logger.warning("attribute_target parameter is set to True, but will be ignored (not an encoder-decoder).") attribute_target = False if generate_from_target_prefix and not self.is_encoder_decoder: logger.warning( "generate_from_target_prefix parameter is set to True, but will be ignored (not an encoder-decoder)." ) generate_from_target_prefix = False original_device = self.device if device is not None: self.device = device attribution_method = self.get_attribution_method(method, override_default_attribution) attributed_fn = self.get_attributed_fn(attributed_fn) attribution_args, attributed_fn_args, step_scores_args = extract_args( attribution_method, attributed_fn, step_scores, default_args=self.formatter.get_step_function_reserved_args(), **kwargs, ) if isnotebook(): logger.debug("Pretty progress currently not supported in notebooks, falling back to tqdm.") pretty_progress = False if attribution_method.is_final_step_method: if step_scores: raise ValueError( "Step scores are not supported for final step methods since they do not iterate over the full" " sequence. Please remove the step scores and compute them separatly passing method='dummy'." ) input_texts, generated_texts = format_input_texts(input_texts, generated_texts) has_generated_texts = generated_texts is not None if not self.is_encoder_decoder: for i in range(len(input_texts)): if not input_texts[i]: input_texts[i] = self.bos_token if has_generated_texts and not generated_texts[i].startswith(self.bos_token): generated_texts[i] = " ".join([self.bos_token, generated_texts[i]]) if batch_size is not None: n_batches = len(input_texts) // batch_size + ((len(input_texts) % batch_size) > 0)"Splitting input texts into {n_batches} batches of size {batch_size}.") # If constrained decoding is not enabled, output texts are generated from input texts. if not has_generated_texts or generate_from_target_prefix: encoded_input = self.encode(input_texts, return_baseline=True, include_eos_baseline=include_eos_baseline) if generate_from_target_prefix: decoder_input = self.encode(generated_texts, as_targets=True) generation_args["decoder_input_ids"] = decoder_input.input_ids generated_texts = self.generate( encoded_input, return_generation_output=False, batch_size=batch_size, **generation_args ) elif generation_args: logger.warning( f"Generation arguments {generation_args} are provided, but will be ignored (constrained decoding)." ) logger.debug(f"reference_texts={generated_texts}") if not self.is_encoder_decoder: assert all( generated_texts[idx].startswith(input_texts[idx]) for idx in range(len(input_texts)) ), "Forced generations with decoder-only models must start with the input texts." if has_generated_texts and len(input_texts) > 1: logger.warning( "Batched constrained decoding is currently not supported for decoder-only models." " Using batch size of 1." ) batch_size = 1 if len(input_texts) > 1 and (attr_pos_start is not None or attr_pos_end is not None): logger.warning( "Custom attribution positions are currently not supported when batching generations for" " decoder-only models. Using batch size of 1." ) batch_size = 1 elif attribution_method.is_final_step_method and len(input_texts) > 1: logger.warning( "Batched attribution with encoder-decoder models currently not supported for final-step methods." " Using batch size of 1." ) batch_size = 1 if attribution_method.method_name == "lime": logger.warning("Batched attribution currently not supported for LIME. Using batch size of 1.") batch_size = 1 attribution_outputs = attribution_method.prepare_and_attribute( input_texts, generated_texts, batch_size=batch_size, attr_pos_start=attr_pos_start, attr_pos_end=attr_pos_end, show_progress=show_progress, pretty_progress=pretty_progress, output_step_attributions=output_step_attributions, attribute_target=attribute_target, step_scores=step_scores, include_eos_baseline=include_eos_baseline, attributed_fn=attributed_fn, attribution_args=attribution_args, attributed_fn_args=attributed_fn_args, step_scores_args=step_scores_args, ) attribution_output = merge_attributions(attribution_outputs)["input_texts"] = input_texts["generated_texts"] = ( [generated_texts] if isinstance(generated_texts, str) else generated_texts )["generation_args"] = generation_args["constrained_decoding"] = has_generated_texts["generate_from_target_prefix"] = generate_from_target_prefix if device and original_device: self.device = original_device return attribution_output
def embed(self, inputs: Union[TextInput, IdsTensor], as_targets: bool = False): if isinstance(inputs, str) or ( isinstance(inputs, list) and len(inputs) > 0 and all(isinstance(x, str) for x in inputs) ): batch = self.encode(inputs, as_targets) inputs = batch.input_ids return self.embed_ids(inputs, as_targets=as_targets) def get_token_with_ids( self, batch: Union[EncoderDecoderBatch, DecoderOnlyBatch], contrast_target_tokens: Optional[OneOrMoreTokenSequences] = None, contrast_targets_alignments: Optional[list[list[tuple[int, int]]]] = None, ) -> list[list[TokenWithId]]: if contrast_target_tokens is not None: return join_token_ids( batch.target_tokens, batch.target_ids.tolist(), contrast_target_tokens, contrast_targets_alignments, ) return join_token_ids(batch.target_tokens, batch.target_ids.tolist()) # Framework-specific methods @unhooked @abstractmethod def generate( self, encodings: Union[TextInput, BatchEncoding], return_generation_output: Optional[bool] = False, **kwargs, ) -> Union[list[str], tuple[list[str], Any]]: pass @staticmethod @abstractmethod def output2logits(forward_output) -> LogitsTensor: pass @abstractmethod def encode( self, texts: TextInput, as_targets: bool = False, return_baseline: bool = False, include_eos_baseline: bool = False, ) -> BatchEncoding: pass @abstractmethod def decode(self, ids: IdsTensor, skip_special_tokens: bool = True) -> list[str]: pass @abstractmethod def embed_ids(self, ids: IdsTensor, as_targets: bool = False) -> EmbeddingsTensor: pass @abstractmethod def convert_ids_to_tokens( self, ids: torch.Tensor, skip_special_tokens: Optional[bool] = True ) -> OneOrMoreTokenSequences: pass @abstractmethod def convert_tokens_to_ids( self, tokens: Union[list[str], list[list[str]]], ) -> OneOrMoreIdSequences: pass @abstractmethod def convert_tokens_to_string( self, tokens: OneOrMoreTokenSequences, skip_special_tokens: Optional[bool] = True, as_targets: bool = False, ) -> TextInput: pass @abstractmethod def convert_string_to_tokens( self, text: TextInput, skip_special_tokens: bool = True, as_targets: bool = False, ) -> OneOrMoreTokenSequences: pass @abstractmethod def clean_tokens( self, tokens: OneOrMoreTokenSequences, skip_special_tokens: bool = False, as_targets: bool = False, ): pass @property @abstractmethod def special_tokens(self) -> list[str]: pass @property @abstractmethod def special_tokens_ids(self) -> list[int]: pass @property @abstractmethod def vocabulary_embeddings(self) -> VocabularyEmbeddingsTensor: pass @abstractmethod def get_embedding_layer(self) -> torch.nn.Module: pass
[docs] def configure_interpretable_embeddings(self, **kwargs) -> None: """Configure the model with interpretable embeddings for gradient attribution. This method needs to be defined for models that cannot receive embeddings directly from their forward method parameters, to allow the usage of interpretable embeddings as surrogate for feature attribution methods. Model that support precomputed embedding inputs by design can skip this method. """ pass
[docs] def remove_interpretable_embeddings(self, **kwargs) -> None: """Removes interpretable embeddings used for gradient attribution. If the configure_interpretable_embeddings method is defined, this method needs to be defined to allow restoring original embeddings for the model. This is required for methods using the decorator @unhooked since they require the original model capabilities. """ pass
# Architecture-specific methods @abstractmethod def get_forward_output( self, **kwargs, ) -> ModelOutput: pass @abstractmethod def get_encoder(self) -> torch.nn.Module: pass @abstractmethod def get_decoder(self) -> torch.nn.Module: pass @staticmethod @abstractmethod def get_attentions_dict(output: ModelOutput) -> dict[str, torch.Tensor]: pass @staticmethod @abstractmethod def get_hidden_states_dict(output: ModelOutput) -> dict[str, torch.Tensor]: pass # Model forward def _forward( self, batch: Union[DecoderOnlyBatch, EncoderDecoderBatch], target_ids: ExpandedTargetIdsTensor, attributed_fn: Callable[..., SingleScorePerStepTensor], use_embeddings: bool = True, attributed_fn_argnames: Optional[list[str]] = None, *args, **kwargs, ) -> LogitsTensor: assert len(args) == len(attributed_fn_argnames), "Number of arguments and number of argnames must match" target_ids = target_ids.squeeze(-1) output = self.get_forward_output(batch, use_embeddings=use_embeddings, **kwargs) logger.debug(f"logits: {pretty_tensor(output.logits)}") step_fn_args = self.formatter.format_step_function_args( attribution_model=self, forward_output=output, target_ids=target_ids, is_attributed_fn=True, batch=batch ) step_fn_extra_args = {k: v for k, v in zip(attributed_fn_argnames, args) if v is not None} return attributed_fn(step_fn_args, **step_fn_extra_args) def _forward_with_output( self, batch: Union[DecoderOnlyBatch, EncoderDecoderBatch], use_embeddings: bool = True, *args, **kwargs, ) -> ModelOutput: return self.get_forward_output(batch, use_embeddings=use_embeddings, **kwargs)
[docs] @formatter.format_forward_args def forward(self, *args, **kwargs) -> LogitsTensor: return self._forward(*args, **kwargs)
@formatter.format_forward_args def forward_with_output(self, *args, **kwargs) -> ModelOutput: return self._forward_with_output(*args, **kwargs)